LUMO LABS // Z Energy Charity Campaign

We partnered with Lumo Labs to develop a dynamic creative changeout system for Z Energy. The project involved transitioning from a charity creative to an EV creative based on real-time detection of electric vehicles (EVs) using LENs cameras.


  • Charity Creative: Supplied by us, displayed for a default duration of 32 seconds.
  • EV Creative: Provided by Z Energy, triggered by the detection of an EV within the 32-second window.
  • Trigger Mechanism: Based on LENs data, which detects the presence of EVs. If an EV is detected, the creative switches from the charity to the EV creative. If no EV is detected, the charity creative runs for the entire 32 seconds.

No dynamic elements are included in the creative itself; the focus is on the trigger-based changeout mechanism.

We will update the EV index with the most recent data, referencing historical vehicle audience data from Lumo Labs.

Data & Integration

  • - Real-time EV detection via LENs cameras
  • - Creative changeout based on EV presence
  • - Updated EV index data